YSR Congress Party president and former Kadapa MP Y S Jaganmohan Reddy on Saturday unveiled the flag of his party at YSR Samadhi at Idupulapaya, as announced earlier exactly at 2.29 pm.
The flag comprising three colours vertically: a blue strip, followed by white and green strips. The picture of YSR with a turban is there in the white strip.
According to party leaders, blue strip symbolizes YSR’s pet scheme Jalayagnam of providing every drop of water to every acre of parched lands in the state; white strip symbolizing a clean and plain image of YSR and green strip symbolizes Harithandhra Pradesh.
The flag comprising three colours vertically: a blue strip, followed by white and green strips. The picture of YSR with a turban is there in the white strip.
According to party leaders, blue strip symbolizes YSR’s pet scheme Jalayagnam of providing every drop of water to every acre of parched lands in the state; white strip symbolizing a clean and plain image of YSR and green strip symbolizes Harithandhra Pradesh.